In this article I am going to share with you some really productive things to do when you're bored. Some of the tasks are not productive in themselves, but they help you save time.
1. Organize your wardrobe
If you have an overflowing wardrobe, or your room looks like a dungeon, it's time to organize. By doing this, clutter will not be an issue for your low productivity. And if you're anything like Monica Geller from Friends, this will help you relax.
2. Throw stuff out
Declutter your environment. Your room or your work place have a great impact on your mood. If your room or office has a lot of stuff, throw them out, or they'll be weighing on your mind at all times.
3. Shop your heart out
Usually when you go shopping with a list in your hand or when you are on a budget, you are actually working, not enjoying. Whenever you feel bored, loose your purse strings a little, head over to your favourite store and gift yourself a treat, which you would have never bought on a budget. It is therapeutic on me, I immediately start feeling better, and more motivated.
4. Work on your hobbies
Hobbies are a great way to channelize your energy into doing something you love. This way you don't feel bad about wasting your time and also be entertained.
5. Get yourself a new hobby / Learn a new skill
Is there something you wanted to try but kept postponing it because of work? Enroll yourself in a guitar class, learn a computer course online, or head over to a DIY forum.
6. Mindlessly surf online forums
There are a number of forums on the internet for any topic imaginable. Meet like minded people, discuss your favourite movie (Imdb), help a fellow developer (Stack Overflow), or ask / answer any question (Quora, Yahoo Answers). You can start a nice chat in the comments section below too :)
7. Plan your weekends
Have an empty weekend coming up? Don't worry - you're bored, you have all the time to plan an interesting weekend. If there is some boring task that you want finished, break it into smaller subtasks, and plan them out individually. Planning this way keeps you motivated because of two reasons - it helps you organize your tasks ahead of time, and it improves your efficiency. So plan out the entire week, or if you're bored enough, plan out your entire life! ( I do that sometimes).
8. Hit the gym
Shake the lethargy off with the help of a sports activity. When you're bored, you probably don't want to do any mental tasks. It's a good time to energize your body, by spending some time in the gym or an hour in the basketball court.
9. Work on your relationships
Give a call to your long lost friends. Email your uncles and aunts. Have a nice cup of tea with your neighbours. And this is productive because... networking is the key to success. Cheesy line, but it means something. Talking to other people helps you develop your speaking skills, and you can learn how to read them like a book
, which is a great skill for any job.
10. Get some sleep
This is the last thing I do. Sometimes your boredom stems from your tiredness. Get yourself an hour of sleep and when you wake up, you'll be all fresh. Till then, sweet dreams!
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